On March 9-10, 2022 the Department of Research and Innovation will host the USC International Research Conference under the theme: Human Dimensionalities and Disparities: The Impact of COVID-19 on Physical, Social, Economic, Emotional and Spiritual Well Being.

The USC International Research Conference 2022 will address the issues of human dimensionalities and disparities in the context of COVID-19 pandemic. Some of the objectives of the Conference will be to:

  1. Address the issues of disparities across human dimensions globally and regionally
  2. Discuss the impact of COVID-19 on the physical, social, economic, emotional, and spiritual well-being of people globally and in the context of the Caribbean region
  3. Discuss the disparities faced by the vulnerable populations globally and in the Caribbean region
  4. Provide innovative solutions/interventions to address human problems and disparities under COVID-19 pandemic

The Department of Research and Innovation invites submission of an abstract of 250 words on the conference theme: Human Dimensionalities and Disparities: The Impact of COVID-19 on Physical, Social, Economic, Emotional and Spiritual Well Being.

The abstract should include:

  1. Title
  2. Aim/Objectives of the study
  3. Methodology – research design, target population, data collection methods and analysis
  4. Major Findings
  5. Outcomes/Implications
  6. Keywords: 4-5 key words

For suggested sub-themes and submission instructions, kindly visit usc.edu.tt/irc

Abstract submission deadline: January 31, 2022


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