BCW2022 took place during March 14 – 17 and positioned itself as a university-wide annual event. BCW stands for Business and Career Week and is a period of four days where key individuals in various professions are invited to sensitise and engage students on contemporary issues in the workplace and expected future trends in the world of work. This year the School of Business and Entrepreneurship was pleased to partner with its sister schools within the university to provide an interdisciplinary, value-packed, phenomenal week for students and all attendees.

The Impact of Digitalisation on Career Choices was the theme of BCW2022. We were pleased to be addressed by Senator, Dr. the Honourable Nyan Gadsby-Dolly during our opening ceremony and were happy to be engaged by over 30 presenters, both local and international across the week. All presenters were professionals in their discipline and provided students with information to increase their anticipation and preparation for a bright future.

Over 1000 attendees benefited from the virtual sessions and feedback gathered indicates that the week was well received and dubbed a success! A link to recorded presentations can be accessed here: https://usc.edu.tt/bcw2022/

The School of Business and Entrepreneurship thanks its sister schools, presenters, and all attendees for participating in BCW2022!


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